Ultima Online a blast to the past, or not.

Well I decided to try out a free UO server called "In Por Ylem". Or at least I am trying to try them out. You know me I have patience enough to give it a concertize effort to get into the game then I start getting steamed.

Well this server claims its like the old UO before too many of the Addons and weird stuff started up. I remember those days better than most, I started playing UO when it went live right after beta. In fact I was established on the Baja shard the day it went up and I played for well over 7 years on it with 3 accounts and 15 characters so, I'm no stranger to UO and all the stuff, political and otherwise that went on in it.

I remember a time in UO when it was simpler and more enjoyable but yes even back before all the expansions there were some issues that needed addressing and most were PVP or exploit related. Really had Origin/EA just fixed those issues and left the rest be. The game would be as big as ever, instead it is dying.

Anyhow I want to talk about this free server IPY as they call themselves. So far, they are not shining my silver. I have been emailing back and forth with one of their techs I imagine? Az? Not getting anywhere seems he's reading his answers from a card or something anyhow they use Razor as part of their allowed apps to start and control the game. Well Razor is giving Framework errors and its stupid splash screen is staying on screen and above everything else. Even trying to check and unchecked the hide show intro screen button does nothing (their genius told me to do that, and oh by the way, it was unchecked to begin with?)

Anyways believe it or not you CAN create an IPY account if you log in with Razor AND its splash screen blocking everything. But without razor using IPY's own directions for logging in and creating an account? Nothing happens you just sit at the verifying account screen. Not banging my gong yet folks.

I'll fiddle a bit more I have to remove Razor its no good with a blocking splash screen plus you cant grab some of the dialog error boxes that appear underneath its cool transparent blocking UI. See ya soon.


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