Fallen Earth - F2P by Reloaded Productions

*YAWN* still waiting to get off the login screen, will keep you informed. Still waiting after hours. Tech support is limited and vague. So right now Fallen Earth is pretty high on the LAME GAME list. If I can get in at some point I will alter the review according to my experience at that time. For now its all thumbs down.

Well I found an article on the ports they use 3000-3020 and 80. Those are opened to the program and not it actually goes from the connecting.... screen to the authenticating....screen. So far however it gives me a connection lost please try again after about 10 minutes of staring. (Is there really a game behind this login screen?) I will probably try a few more things and see if there's success but so far its a wonder anyone plays this game at all.

OK this one is a no go for me. My PC can handle hundreds of new games just fine, my equipment is up-to-date and all my drivers have been upgraded as well. Router was worked to allow Fallen to work  and still the game refuses to get out of the login screens. I'm gonna put a big two thumbs down on this one. If you can't play it it must not be worth it?

Anyways, I'm pumped up for the weekends Beta test of "The Secret World" I'm all loaded up the PC is ready and the key has been surrendered. The beta lasts from Friday to Monday and is the last (4Th) before the game goes live (MMO)

Ok Fallen Earth has fallen off the Earth as far as I'm concerned. Their support sucks and I have been trying to find help to even get the game to go past the login screen. It just changes from connecting to authenticating and then nothing happens. Fallen Earth gets a big 4 thumbs down, as poop ass game of the year.


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