Free Online Game Servers. Large MMO's, retails played on private servers. Free MMO. The best and the worst in FREE online gaming. Rated and played then critiqued.
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Been off for a few weeks taking care of business on the hog. Back for a bit and the reviews will commence soon. *cheers*
Trion games has been in the news quite a bit in the last couple of years and not always for good things either in fact quite the opposite. Trion is known for two previously released titles. One is Rift and the other Defiance , which is mated with the TV show of the same name but really that's where the similarities end. Defiance was designed to be an MMO shooter to accompany the TV show however, the way the paring was handled makes it look like it was done by baboons. The show is all about RP, stories, plots and action, it can manage to hold your interest for an hour but it also has it's pitfalls it's full of porn, lewd suggestive sexual confrontations. Let me ask you is that shit necessary? People tune in to watch a Sci-Fi about a new terraformed earth filled with new and weird life forms including surviving humans NOT hand jobs, lesbians or faggots. The GAME was supposed to interact with that show but I ask you HOW? It lacks socialization, no RP ability and the ch...
Hiya, Been awhile since I last posted and as in most cases it was because of real life issues, some good, some not so good. Anyhow that's not why we're here right? It's because we enjoy playing game online, either FPS, MMO or some other genre of game style but we love to do it with other people in digital environments, that's what counts. In the last year or so a new phenomenon has hit the electronic gaming world. Used to be people would get the code from companies like EA etc to run the client on home based systems and offer free online gaming on privately owned servers. WOW! (pun intended) and UO were now free of that monthly $12-15 charge after the initial $65-95 purchase price that is. Free player run servers offered free play but at a price! Kids aren't stupid they tried to turn a profit on this new deal. They charged you for all the coolest stuff in the game, the flying rides, the cool neon armor that is called "uber god-smack PWN u suit of vanquish...
*YAWN* still waiting to get off the login screen, will keep you informed. Still waiting after hours. Tech support is limited and vague. So right now Fallen Earth is pretty high on the LAME GAME list. If I can get in at some point I will alter the review according to my experience at that time. For now its all thumbs down. Well I found an article on the ports they use 3000-3020 and 80. Those are opened to the program and not it actually goes from the connecting.... screen to the authenticating....screen. So far however it gives me a connection lost please try again after about 10 minutes of staring. (Is there really a game behind this login screen?) I will probably try a few more things and see if there's success but so far its a wonder anyone plays this game at all. OK this one is a no go for me. My PC can handle hundreds of new games just fine, my equipment is up-to-date and all my drivers have been upgraded as well. Router was worked to allow Fallen to work a...
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